Ever wondered about the kind of diesel fuel you’re pouring into your trusty generator? You’re not alone. Many of us take for granted the liquid gold that powers our machines, but the reality is, not all diesel is created equal. Let’s dive into this fascinating world of fuel.

Diesel, much like wine, comes in various grades and qualities. Knowing the difference can save your generator from potential damage, ensure longer life, and most importantly, efficient power output.

Excited yet? Let’s fuel up your knowledge (pun intended) and embark on this enlightening journey together.


What Makes Diesel Different from Regular Gasoline?

Diesel fuel and gasoline might seem similar, but there are notable differences. <Diesel has a higher energy content and is less refined than gasoline. This means it’s more efficient and gives more energy per gallon. Additionally, diesel engines function through compression ignition, whereas gasoline uses spark ignition.


Why Are There Different Grades of Diesel?

Just like the diverse range of clients we cater to at AmpereRush, diesel comes in various grades to serve different purposes. Factors like cetane number, sulfur content, and additives can influence the grade of diesel.


So, What Are These Different Grades?

There are mainly three grades of diesel fuel commonly used:

  1. Regular Diesel: This is your standard diesel fuel. It’s the most common and is ideal for most applications, including our 250kva generators. Regular diesel has an adequate cetane number and standard sulfur content.
  2. Premium Diesel: As the name suggests, it’s a step above regular. It has a higher cetane number, which leads to better ignition and combustion. This grade also contains more additives which clean the engine and fuel system.
  3. Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD): This diesel variant has extremely low sulfur content, making it the most environmentally friendly option. Most modern diesel engines, especially those in vehicles, are optimized for ULSD due to emission standards.


What’s The Buzz Around Cetane Number?

The cetane number is essentially the diesel fuel’s quality indicator. A higher cetane number means the fuel will ignite faster when injected into the combustion chamber. Faster ignition leads to smoother engine operation, less knocking, and better efficiency.


How Do I Know Which Grade is Best For My Generator?

It largely depends on the make and model of your generator. However, our 250kva generators at AmpereRush are designed to work optimally with regular diesel. But it’s always wise to check the manufacturer’s recommendations. Also, if Mark from South Africa is reading this, I bet you’re nodding in agreement. Quality matters, doesn’t it?


Does Using a Different Grade Affect My Generator’s Performance?

Absolutely. Using the wrong grade can cause your generator to underperform and might lead to engine damage over time. For instance, if you use ULSD in an older generator model not designed for it, the engine might not lubricate properly, leading to faster wear and tear. Always stick to the recommended grade to ensure stable quality and strong performance.



Diesel is more than just a fuel; it’s the lifeline of your generator. Understanding the different grades and their applications can be the difference between a smoothly running machine and a costly breakdown. Remember, the heart of our business at AmpereRush is to provide generators with cheap prices, stable quality, and robust performance. And knowing your diesel is a significant step towards achieving that promise. Happy powering!